Jun 6, 2013

More PowerShell Goodness

I found a great blog from a Admin that writes some really nice and useful scripts.
Check out Joe-IT!

Jun 5, 2013

Reminder to check for a Powershell Snapin before adding it.

Long time no post. Well I have not done much SharePointing lately, but all things change. :)

Until that time, I need to post something. Here is a little bit of code you can see everywhere.

# Add Quest AD Management if installed, otherwise break
if (Get-PSSnapin -Registered Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement){
if (-not (Get-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement)){
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
Write-Error "Quest Active Directory Snapin not installed!!!!"
# Import the AD module
if (-not (Get-Module ActiveDirectory)){
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory -Force | out-null